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Proper spinal function is essential for healthy and pain-free living. When there is trauma to a joint, one of the ways your body responds is the stabilization of the area by formation of new bone. With time, calcium deposits build up, eventually as abnormal bony growth. This arthritic 'splinting' of bones is nature's attempt to stabilize the injured joint. If left untreated, spinal decay takes the form of ongoing degeneration (arthritis) and can lead to chronic spinal related problems.


As these x-rays show, there is a progressive degeneration that can be halted, or slowed, with proper chiropractic care.


Proper spinal curves permit normal turning and bending. Openings between joints allow nerve roots to exit the spine without interference. The edges of the bones are smooth and well defined. Equal disc spacing is a sign of healthy spinal function.

Phase One

Loss of normal curves and misalignment restrict or exaggerate normal ranges of motion. Ligament and muscle strength is reduced. Even with nerve irritation and soft tissue inflammation, pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present.

Phase Two

Years of accumulated calcium deposition are now visible. Bone spurs attempt to fuse malfunctioning joints. Adjacent surfaces are rough and uneven. Joint instability is accompanied by continued nerve irritation and disc degeneration.

Phase Three

After years of neglect, complete fusion has immobilized the joint. Obstructed nerve openings cause permanent nerve irritation as soft tissue degeneration continues. This irreversible condition is usually associated with other chronic health problems.



Underwood Chiropractic Clinic, 11851 Coursey Blvd, Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816

11851 Coursey Blvd. Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 | Phone: (225) 293-1700

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